Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This Just In!

Thanks to my sweet friend Nicole, I just heard that one of my very favorite things is coming to Atlanta!! Cheerwine is quite possibly the best soda in the entire universe. There are no words to describe how happy I feel when that first bit of cherry goodness finds its way to my belly. I often spent my afternoons with Daddy at Tuscola High drinking a Cheerwine and eating a Reese's Cup... one of my favorite treats today! I always always always stock up when I make a trip home, and then spend the next few weeks hoarding it. :-)

Kudos to the AJC for covering this delectable North Carolina treat. Read all about it! If you are adventurous enough to pick it up the next time you are in the grocery store, I highly recommend grabbing some vanilla ice cream and making a "Cheerwine Float."


Anonymous said...

hey miss Boone i keep on 4getting to call you send me an email at,
-olivia hepler

luv ya

Nicole said...

Oooo - Cheerwine float! Now that sounds DEE-licious!