Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sister Time...

Always makes me even more homesick for a few days once I'm back in Georgia.

I miss my parents. I miss my sisters. I miss Nattie's touchy-feely demands while we watch movies on the couch - "Scratch my back. Play with my hair. Tickle my arm."

I miss my dog - the old one. I miss the way my Mama smells in the morning when I hug her. (It's a good smell.) I wake up wishing I could get a big bear hug from my Daddy. I miss waking up to the smell of breakfast being made. I miss clean air.

To ease the homesickness, I can look forward to:
  1. The fam coming to Georgia on MLK weekend to help us move.
  2. Time with Jennie during the break - sister date!
  3. The possibility of Kadee and JP moving back to the mountains next fall so he can go back to grad school.

I know the last one is a long way off, but I'll take what I can get today. :-)

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