Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Homeward Bound

I've been looking over my Thanksgiving pictures, making my homesickness even worse in the process. On a positive note, it makes me look forward to several things as I get ready to head home on Sunday.

1. Having someone to ride with. One of the things I've really enjoyed about Jennie being back in Georgia is that we are able to ride home together and share the drive. I love our three hour talks, random sing-alongs and the fact that we know we'll take turns taking naps. :-) I know that these rides are becoming precious sister time - since she'll be riding home with Chris after June 14, 2008!

2. Extra time with Kadee and JP! I am learning alot from watching Kadee and JP figure out how to divide their time equally between their families in different cities. I was so excited to talk to her and know that our WHOLE family would be together for several days. I will take all of the sister time I can get.

3. Snuggling with Nattie. She is the warmest bed-hogger I know. I'll take it.

4. Home Movies. You've never seen The Boone Girls break it down until you've watched our home movies.

5. Christmas Eve Dinner at our house. We spend about 2 days getting everything together. I love being in the kitchen with Mama and my sisters. I especially love potato casserole, blueberry salad, stuffed carrots and london broil.

6. BEATTY! There's a puppy at my parents' house. Need I say more?

7. Seeing DeeDee at least two times in one week.

8. Laughter.

Disclaimer for the general public:
Those are NOT my mother's real teeth.

PS - Scroll down and see the Halloweeny-Post I snuck in via the wonderful world of saved drafts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you miss.boone
you so silly!!

visit my imeem,
at: irock564316.imeem.com

its a music myspace!!
you should visit kiaras too!
shes one of my friends on there!
love your fav student,
olivia hepler