Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Looking for reason where there is no reason...

The world is full of opinions today about what could have/should have happened yesterday in Blacksburg, Virginia at Virginia Tech. Watching everyone spout forth their "expert opinions," I wanted to use the small voice I have here on the Internet to put a few thoughts out there for everyone else. First, I want to address what I believe is most important in this situation.

Want something to do? Pray.

1. Pray for the families of the victims. They will wake up every day for the rest of their lives longing for hugs, conversations and time with the loved ones they have lost. Pray that HE would comfort them, and shower them with the love and peace that only HE can provide.

2. Pray for the family of Cho Seung-Hui, the shooter. The heartache they must feel, the agony in not knowing what they could have done as parents, siblings, grandparents, etc. must be overwhelming. Pray that they might also find a peace and comfort that could only come from HIM.

3. Pray for the staff and faculty at Virginia Tech, that they might be able to to support and guide the survivors and students who lost friends, roommates and loved ones through the remainder of the school year.

In regards to my earlier remarks, I have heard countless reports and interviews with "experts" who seem to think that the answer to all of this is to fire Virginia Tech's President - Dr. Charles Steger - and the police chief, Wendell Finchum. I refuse to link to any of those articles. Go look at Fox News (your source for evil!) if you want to read them. This solution (to me) seems absolutely redonkulous (to use one of Chris West's words). Here's why:

  • The first shooting started just before 7:15 am when police recieved the first phone call about what they thought was a "domestic dispute" in one of the dorms. Since when do college campuses shut down completely because of a domestic dispute?!

  • The next ninety minutes - that's all the time they had! - were spent assessing the situation. University officials and the few police officers who weren't out looking for the suspect were trying get a handle on things. Sounds pretty reasonable.

  • This all occured less than an hour before the first classes were scheduled to start. Only 9,000 of Virginia Tech's 26, 000 students live on campus. One could reasonably assume that by 7:30 the commuting students were already on their way to class. How could the message have been relayed... the message about the domestic dispute. That's all it was at that point!

  • 9:26 am - A cautionary email goes out to the entire student body.

  • At 9:45, the shootings at Norris Hall begin. By 9:50 am - 5 minutes after the big shooting began - students were sent an email telling them to stay inside. University officials and police did exactly what they should have.

  • Ten minutes later, at 9:55, more email and emergency phone calls begin going out to campus buildings to make sure students stay in a safe place.

The answer here is not to fire the people who calmly handled the situation and responded promptly as soon as they knew it was more than a domestic dispute. These are two of the people the students and community of Blacksburg will be looking to in the months ahead. A caller to Q100 this morning in Atlanta, who happened to be a Virginia Tech student listening online, said the majority of the student body isn't angry or disappointed in the leadership so many others want to dismiss in haste. Charles Steger received a standing ovation in during the campus memorial service today, and some jerk on Fox News wants him fired?! GET REAL!

If the student body isn't angry, if the student body just wants to grieve and learn how to move on, shouldn't we all just keep our busybody noses out of it?! We need to concern ourselves with how we can help those who are broken with grief and sorrow. We need to stop focusing our energy on things that do not bring God glory in all of this. We need to honor those who were lost in an absolute tragedy. We need to be more like the Hokies.


Senegal Daily said...

Great writing, Abbs. I agree 100 percent (even with redonkous).

For some reason my feed hasn't been keeping up with your blog, so I hadn't see the last three updates! I just thought you'd crapped out on us. :)

So here are my comments:
- I think we both had our 'cute year' later in life.
- I miss spring (not pollen) in Georgia! Enjoy it for me, okay?

Peggy said...

Amen sista!