Friday, April 06, 2007

April... Asheville... Accumulation?!

I'm home for the weekend and the temperatures have definitely dropped. Tonight, we decided to have a home movie marathon... not my favorite. Somehow, everyone else's "cute years" were my "awkward, ugly, obnoxious, annoying, not-at-all-comfortable-to-watch-all-0ver-again years." And, they're all caught on tape. So, while the worst of those years are playing out on TV, I'm in the computer room updating my blog. :-)

Kadee and Nattie enjoying the "show." :-)
In the middle of movie watching, we looked outside and saw....

No, not the free bird seed...

Big, fat, beautiful white snow... and it's sticking!!

Do you think we can still cook Easter Lunch on the grill?!

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