Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Good Belly Laugh

I needed to laugh so badly yesterday. It wasn't a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day - just a frustrating day. I came home in a funk, went to the gym in a funk, and drove back home in a funk. Yuck.

I logged onto Facebook, and came across a video posted by my (almost!) sister-in-law, Leigh. It was the best six minutes of my day. Thanks, Leigh!!

If you can watch this without laughing, there might be something wrong with you. :-)


Senegal Daily said...

That was great. We both laughed - so nothing wrong with us! :)

Nicole said...

I saw that earlier today and died laughing! And I'm sorry you had a 'funky' day yesterday!

Peggy said...

i saw this posted on facebook too...and laughed hysterically! actually i laughed at ellen's reaction more than anything...any time a comedian can't keep a straight face i think it's hilarious!