Sunday, July 08, 2007

Today's Letter Is...


F is for... FAILING!

I have not been a good blogger. I know I have a lot of "catching up" to do, so I'm going to get started with pictures and notes about what's been happening in this hot-mama's life. :-)

F is for... A FAB 5 nephew!

Nikki had our new addition on the last day of school, May 25th. He is already spoiled rotten by all FOUR of his aunties. And his mama.

Aunties, Mama and Baby Tyler

Tyler Haas Wold

F is for... Fingernails!

Yes, you read correctly. Fingernails. I found one IN MY COLESLAW at the Steak and Shake on Barrett Parkway. You want to know when I found it? After I'd had about 5 bites and I CRUNCHED on it.


It was acrylic. It came from our waitress, who hid her broken fake thumbnail for the remainder of our visit.

Double Gross.

Our entire table ate for free. But for some strange reason, no one was hungry after I found the nail. I took pictures for the sole purpose of putting them on my blog. Aren't you glad I shared??

F is for... 4th of July!!

We gathered at Fab 5'er Claudine's house for the evening. We had an awesome dinner of grilled chicken, hamburgers, strawberries, corn on the cob and Claudine's yummy pasta salad.

Bryan's plate... Not mine. :-)

Bryan played Bocce ball with the boys while the girls took turns holding our favorite new little man... Tyler! He's six weeks old and the most precious perfect thing ever.

Bocce ball!

My new favorite boy...

Even Bryan took a break from Bocce ball to hold Tyler! :-)

Claudine... The hostess with the mostest!

We decided not to go to the Marietta Square, but rather act like eight year olds and bring out our own sparklers!

Mike and Bryan. Note the projectile spit up spot on his shirt...

Tyler already has great aim! :-)

Michelle and I acting out our favorite Harry Potter scenes...

"Expecto Patronus!"

I am lovin' the beard. :-)

I also love that he is still sporting the spit-up spot.

It was a great way to spend the 4th. The next morning, we met at Nikki's and set off for Destin!! Next post... Fab 5 Summer Tour '07 in Destin! There's a beach, 5 smokin' hot ladies, a baby and our favorite Manny! :-)


Nicole said...

Seriously threw up a little bit in my mouth after seeing the fake nail photos. Looks like you are having a great summer and SO GREAT to see you blogging again! Did you read that I am moving in with Kole? Bless that wonderful girl! xx

Peggy said...

yay for your update! very fun...and absolutely DISGUSTING fingernail story.