Saturday, July 14, 2007

Shock and Awe...

The Gruesome Twosome @ Fernbank's Planetarium

I know, I'm becoming a regular blogger again! :-)

Bryan and I were planning to take EIGHT of my students to Six Flags on Wednesday. However, an 80% chance of thunderstorms put that on hold, and we managed to get four of them to opt for Plan B!

My own Fantastic Four: Denise, Esthela, Alex and Emily

Pink-Toed Tarantula: Glad it's in a glass box.
Budget Frog: Can you see his eyes above the water??

We went to the Fernbank Science Center (which is free!) and watched a REALLY dumb planetarium movie. Had a picnic lunch at Fernbank, complete with Doritos, Little Debbies and Capri Suns - Mama would be proud!
Apollo 6 Command Module

Right before the Planetarium... We had no idea how boring Hercules could be. :-)

Everybody took turns getting "eaten" just before lunch...

Afterwards, we drove over to Atlantic Station and took the kids to see the new Fantastic Four movie. Unfortunately, this is where I stopped taking pictures. :-)

I'm still waiting on a CD of photos from our trip to Destin. In the meantime, I'll do my best to keep blogging. I have TWO WEEKS left of grad school. It's almost over!!!!!

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