Saturday, May 24, 2008

May Madness - School's Out!

I know, I'm cheating. I changed the post date. But I wanted to keep my May Madness theme going....

I tried something new this year for the end of the year. I invited my WHOLE CLASS to come over to my new house for our end-0f-the-year party. I can hear you - "Are you crazy?!" "Seriously? ALL of your students?" Indeed, I did.

And it was fabulous.

My brood.

I've actually wanted to do this for a long time, but didn't have the space to make something like this happen. With the help of my INCREDIBLE room mom, Kim, I fixed spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. Kim brought two trays of brownies and one of my sweet girls brought a huge tray of homemade sopapillas. See, now you're jealous. You should be - they were awesome.

The kids had a great time. They chased my poor cats. Precious called it "cat-hunting." I immediately declared Buddy, Charlie, Herbie and Lady endangered species, and squelched all further attempts at cat-hunting.

Seriously, they had fun playing Bocce ball, drawing in the driveway (with sidewalk chalk), and playing Twister and Cat-in-the-Hat-opoly in the basement. Every single kid helped clean up and made sure that the house was not a disaster before they left. I was so proud of them! They even hung our Field Day banner in the basement.

Boone's Bulldogs 2008 Beware of the Bark AND the Bite!

Beautiful roses from Lesly

"We Love Ms. Boone"

It was a really fun way to end the year, and I will absolutely do it again. I wish I could say that was the end of my day...

Stay tuned for the rest of May Madness!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Alright, who's Buddy and when did you get him? :)