Tuesday, June 20, 2006

She Lives!

This has been just about all I've seen for the last two weeks. The good news is, I'm halfway done with both of my classes. The bad news is, I still have two more weeks to go. :-(

My view from the couch, where I'm spending most of my time.
I have managed to get away the last couple of weekends - even if it did mean bringing my laptop and books with me. The weekend of June 9th, Jennie and I drove to Chapel Hill, NC to spend Kadee's birthday weekend with her. I forgot my camera, but Kadee and her roommate Erin have promised to send some pictures. When I get those, I'll be sure to post.
I went home for Father's Day this past weekend, and almost ended up having to stay a few extra days. I stayed up way too late Saturday night working on grad school stuff and slept in my contacts. Note to self: BAD idea. When I tried to take them out Sunday morning, I scratched both of my eyes. Eight hours later, I was at the Asheville Mall Lenscrafters sitting in front of a very cute eye doctor. Unfortunately, he did not have good news. Not only had I scratched my eyes, but I had an infection in both of them as well.
The culprit.
When you have an infection, you can't wear contacts. You have to wear glasses. I didn't have glasses. I had to go home to teach summer school. I cannot drive without glasses or contacts. That would be lethal. So, $400 later, I have these god-awful eye drops that I swear are destroying my eyes and...

new glasses!

Yup, for the next two weeks, there will be NO contacts. Just these lovely spectacles. Don't be jealous. You wish you looked this hot. :-)

Herbie loves me. Even if I do look like a four-eyed nerd.

We even had time to take our own version on Kari and III's "napping" pose. Note the lovely triple chin I'm sporting. Sexy.

Alright, back to the grind...


Nicole said...

This was absolutely hysterical!! I love the photo of you in your new glasses. And you are always sexy. ALWAYS! Love - Nic

Peggy said...

hilarious...you have got to be one of the funniest people on the planet. ever thought about ditching the kids and school and going for stand-up? love the new spectacles, and hey! glasses can be damn sexy!

Peggy said...

and happy birthday!!

Senegal Daily said...

I LOVE the new glasses! They look cute on ya. I'm a total fan of four-eyedness though.

Angela Burgess said...

I agree...the glasses look great! And I think the triple chin is sexy. That might be b/c I have my own in many pictures...

Mr. R. said...

Have seen you up close and you didn't scare me off, so all is well. :-) You look good in the glasses Mrs. Boone.

LW said...

Definately like the glasses! Hope you make it through the next 2 weeks!