Saturday, October 21, 2006

Stuck Inside

I've hit that point in the semester where I only have 5 or 6 weeks to go, but I feel completely overwhelmed. When I look at my "To Do" lists and try to figure out what to do first, I just want to crawl into a hole and hide.

So today I'm hiding from my grad school work by updating my blog with a few photos and a good story. That's what you people really want to see anyway... right? :-)

Last weekend, my friends and I went to a Halloween/ Going Away Shindig hosted by our favorite groupies - Jon and Spencer!

Jon (Juan Schwab-e)

Spencer (Rico Schwab-e)

The morning after is when the adventure began. My girls Katie and Michelle spent the night with me, and on our way out the next day, we saw a couple of kittens run into a drain. I was unable to fight my "cat lady" urges and we decided to try to coax them out a find them a good home.

Note: I was not going to keep them! I was going to find them a home. Somewhere else!

I went back inside my apartment to get some "bait" (cat food) and on my way back outside, I found that I could not open my own door!!

That's right. The doorknob was broken. Busted. And I was stuck inside my own apartment. It took a few minutes, but when Katie and Michelle realized I wasn't coming back out, they came to find me. After we were finished laughing hysterically, we started trying to figure a way out. We started here:

No fun, no fun, being locked in is no fun.

After a few pushes and pulls...

Success! With a few escapees right behind me as well.

(Yes, K - that large orange monstrosity I'm holding is Charlie.)

It took about an hour for the weekend maintenance man to show up, but he very quickly managed to take the old doorknob off and...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ta-Da! :-) Stuck no more!

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