Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Home Again, Home Again Jiggety Jig!

I hearby do solemnly swear NEVER to move right before Christmas again. Ever. I love that all I have to do when I get back tomorrow is unpack boxes, but December 23rd was NOT a happy day. At all.
I did not get home until Christmas Eve at around 5:00. It's a long story, and I'll be glad to relay it in person, but basically, it involves an ATM that ate my check card, a bank teller who could not help me, movers who were an hour late and REALLY slow, and some really last minute Christmas shopping.
When I finally got here, I was an exhuasted emotional mess. ESPECIALLY after I discovered I'd left all my dress up/hang up clothes at home!!! My sisters all came out to the driveway to help me get myself (still crying) inside. They loaned me clothes for the dinner Saturday night and snuck me in without anyone seeing me. (We had LOTS of family over, and I just was not in the mood to see anyone yet.) It ended up being a really fun night. All 4 of us slept in the same room - a tradition and this year, a necessity! We wrapped presents, and stayed up talking. We fell into bed around 12:00 I think.

Boone girls on Christmas Eve.... thank goodness for sisters!!

I'm still amazed that I was able to put on some of Kadee and Nattie's clothes! :-)

Boone family on Christmas Eve.... SO GOOD TO BE HOME!!

Christmas Day was really relaxed and just plain lazy. We had another Boone family dinner that night at my uncle David's, and of course I got to see the gorgeous, adorable, precious and perfect Baby Boone Redding!!!! I'll post pictures of the tables I got from Mama and Daddy this year once I have my apartment set up. It's funny, I never thought I'd be excited about getting tables for Christmas, but I am! :-)

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm not sure they get any cuter than this!!

Boone cousins on Christnas night

Front Row: Kevin, Kadee and Tyler

Middle Row: Baili, Abby and Lori

Back Row: Nattie and Jennie

I head home tomorrow, but I may be bringing more than just my tables with me! Daddy and I are going to look at new cars tonight - woo-hoo! I LOVE my truck, but I can't stand the gas guzzling it does any longer. I'll definitely post pictures if I have a new vehicle in the next few days!


Angela Burgess said...

Your family all looks like they're doing well. Tell them Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Good luck on the new car. They're great. I just got one in August (a 2006 Escape) and I love it!

Senegal Daily said...

What a beautiful family! I'm glad you're getting to the fun part of the move. Be sure to post pictures of the new pad!