Saturday, September 17, 2005


So this isn't the most FLATTERING picture, but it IS one I managed to hijack off of Kari's site. In case you couldn't tell... she's home! Well, durr! I'm not in France with Nicole!

I always wish she could stay longer, but I'm also thankful for the visits she and Jonathan are able to make. My goal this year is to save up so I can go visit her once I'm done with grad school.

Speaking of grad school, I'm feeling pretty good about it. I am AHEAD with my homework. Go ahead.... pat me on the back.... I deserve it. Earlier this week, I was stressed out about how much I have to do and how little is getting done. That doesn't seem to be the case. Now, as long as I stay ahead, life will be much more manageable! WooWoo!


Senegal Daily said...

Hey Abbs -
It was great to see you too. And yes, we looked much better in person than in that hideous photo. Right, Nic?

Love, K

none said...

Can we pretend this pic doesn't exist guys? - Nic

none said...

I know I live with you, but blog, woman, blog! Love - Nic