Wednesday, September 07, 2005

testing - testing - 1-2-3!

the ITBS has arrived in my classroom. boo-hiss!!
standardized testing is such a joke.

my students are being tested on 3rd grade material AT THE BEGINNING OF 3RD GRADE!!! it is a waste of instructional time, my kids are stressed out unnecessarily, AND a big ol' waste of money considering nobody looks at these stupid scores.

in the meantime, i'm trying to do lots of hands-on stuff in the afternoon. it's not really fair to ask them to sit still and be quiet all morning during testing and expect them to do it again in the afternoon! okay - i'm off my soap box. :-)

on a happy-pants note, i don't have to go to Athens this Thursday. we have PTA open house and my professor is letting me off the hook! woohoo for saving $30 (at least!) on gas! i'll even be at home and in bed before 9:00!

wow... i really sound like an old lady. :-)

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