Monday, August 21, 2006

More! More! More!

Upon leaving dinner on Day One, we found ourselves at the Acme Cantina - a local bar within walking distance of our beach apartment. We also found ourselves there every night for the next four days. If we didn't have to leave on Friday, we might have ended up staying and working there! :-)
While I will spare you most of the pictures from our first night, (I have to. Really.) I will share some of my favorites with you...

This is what you call a "before" picture.

Sherry and Michelle gettin' gangsta with Adam, our favorite bartender.

Look! It's our favorite drunk dialers!

We got to the beach ASAP (which wasn't very early) on Tuesday. We only stayed out for a couple of hours because the whitey-white people (Abby and Sherry) began to roast. While I do have a rule about not going into any water I can't see my feet in (Did that make sense?), I did do some "sitting" nearby and I even waded in - a little bit - for a Fair Oaks Hottie beach picture.

Abby, Nikki and Sherry

Who knew that sitting on the beach could make my butt look this good?!

Claudine, Michelle, Nikki, Abby and Sherry

Night Two started here! :)


Nicole said...

Fabulous photos!! Love the toilet shot - always a classic (I think). So glad you had such a great time!

Angela Burgess said...

Nics pics! Interesting toilet set up. Can't say that I've ever seen one like that before!

How's school going?