Tuesday, February 07, 2006

TAGGED! Kind of.

I saw this on Kari and Jonathan's site and figured I may as well go ahead. I could use some more stalling tactics in the quest to post pictures of my apartment-car-and-new-hair....

Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Pharmacy Technician
2. Oh-so-Cute Waitress/Hostess Extraordinare at Willie Rae's
3. Babysitting Queen
4. Best Third Grade Teacher EVER. :-)

Four Movies I Can Watch On Repeat:
1. Breakfast At Tiffany's
2. The Other Sister
3. White Christmas
4. Sleeping Beauty

Favorite TV Shows:
1. House
2. Law and Order: SVU
3. Nip/Tuck
4. American Idol

Four Vacation Spots I'd Love to Visit:
1. Italy
2. Australia
3. Wine Country, California
4. Greece

Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1. Jonathan and Kari!
2. UGA - Go Dawgs!
3. Gmail
4. Atlanta's Best - Q100

Four Foods I Lust After:
1. Mashed Potatoes
2. My mama's homemade bread
3. Cheetos - the puffy kind, not the crunchy ones.
4. Thin Mints

Four Changes I'd Make to My Apartment:
1. Bigger bathroom! Garden tub, please!
2. A new blue duvet for my bedroom.
3. A gas range instead of the electric one I have.
4. A great big comfy chair to study in

Four Tags:
1. Holly Warren - The world's wittiest 5th grade teacher
2. Nicole - Because we all know she needs to update
3. Roper - Because he needs to update too
4. Anybody reading this


Peggy said...

yes! i laughed so hard at your blog, especially the head lice posts. sha-qweena strikes again!

Abby said...

that means you have to fill out the same post on your blog!



Senegal Daily said...

Okay Abbs. By the time you post your new 'do it'll be time to go have it done again at Phlawless Hair Salon.

Get on it!

Love, K