Monday, November 07, 2005

Posting with Pictures

Yes, ladies and gentlemen... it's true. I have a brand new digital camera and I have not posted any new pictures. Until now.

The irrepressible Jennie Lynn Boone.... See? This is what happens when you play with your big sister's camera!

I am nearing the end of my first semester in grad school and looking forward to moving into my first apartment all by myself!! Move-in date is December 23rd. I will send out an SOS for big burly moving men in the near future. :-)

Nicole and I headed out to Wild Bill's... little did we know it would be a night full of SCARY cowboys. Not the cute ones.

Yes, little did we know there were NO cute boys at Wild Bill's, only the scary ones. Scary ones that follow you around the dance floor when you are CLEARLY trying to dance AWAY from them. You know what the worst part was? The scary ones don't even buy you drinks!! We did have fun and we will be headed back eventually. When we KNOW the cute boys will be there.

More to come later....

1 comment:

Senegal Daily said...

What a couple of hotties!

(ps - this is Kari, not Jonathan)