Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cootie Update


A letter went home today, I THINK schoolwide notifying parents about the recent problem with head-bugs. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down - several times.

On a happier note, I am getting my hair "did" today. I know I am way behind on apartment, new car and now new hair pictures. I will update on all 3 soon... promise!



The Cootie-Mama

Sunday, January 15, 2006


That's right. Cooties. Head hitch-hikers. Scalp suckers.


Got bugs??

I DO?!?!?!? Courtesy of my kiddos. So does my student teacher. So do/did at least two other teachers in my school AND their students.

And does my all-knowing, usually understanding principal want to help us?? NO!!!

What might seem like no big deal, or just a grodie majodie inconvenience to most of you is actually a HUGE problem at my school. For some reason, my principal (in all of his infinite wisdom) thinks the parents of our students will be OFFENDED if we send home a precautionary letter with each student.


99% of our students are on free or reduced lunch. 70% of them speak English as a second language. My experiences in the past with the parents of my students is that they have to be TOLD what to look out for and how to deal with it. My guess is our parents would be GRATEFUL that someone would tell them so they only spend $20 on a Rid-X kit (At Walgreen's. I know. I bought one.) rather than $200 on a doctor visit because their kid has body lice.


Is anyone on my side???